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Historical and social contexts

Why are monthly magazines more aspirational than weekly magazines?

Womans monthly magazines are more aspirational than weekly magazines means that due to budget that monthly magazines have,they are able to feature higher class models,glossier pages and have better production values.

1950's-1960's Rise of consumerism

Due to the economic prosperity ,women magazines became part of the "shop and spend" euphoria of the 1950's and 60's.

1960's Sexual revolution

The contraceptive pill was introduced in the early part of the decade.Women also gained greater financial independence after legislative changes (Married Women's Property Act).

1960'S Cultural revolution

Britain was at the centre of the revolution,which saw the emergence of new trends in music,fashion and trends.

Key terms
Editorial philosophy
A magazines underlying values,attitudes,and beliefs,and the particular viewpoints it adopts

Divides the mark groups based on social class,lifestyle and personal demographics

Sub genre
A category that is a subdivision of a larger genre

Internalising the ideologies of society
