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Showing posts from November, 2017

Assessment feedback-Tide advert

<iframe src="//" width="668" height="714" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;" allowfullscreen> </iframe> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="//" title="Tide Assessment Section A - Feedback" target="_blank">Tide Assessment Section A - Feedback</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Ju-at-BSix</a></strong> </div> 3. Media language A1)Red as a colour is associated with romance and love,which connotes that the reason that women's beauty is important because it impresses...

Historical and social contexts

Why are monthly magazines more aspirational than weekly magazines? Womans monthly magazines are more aspirational than weekly magazines means that due to budget that monthly magazines have,they are able to feature higher class models,glossier pages and have better production values. 1950's-1960's Rise of consumerism Due to the economic prosperity ,women magazines became part of the "shop and spend" euphoria of the 1950's and 60's. 1960's Sexual revolution The contraceptive pill was introduced in the early part of the decade.Women also gained greater financial independence after legislative changes (Married Women's Property Act). 1960'S Cultural revolution Britain was at the centre of the revolution,which saw the emergence of new trends in music,fashion and trends. Key terms Editorial philosophy A magazines underlying values,attitudes,and beliefs,and the particular viewpoints it adopts Psychographic Divides the mark groups based...

Womans Realm and Huck

Woman's Realm A British womans weekly magazine First published in 1958 Merged with Womans weekly in 2001 Closed due to merger featured fashion and cooking articles Sales dropped because it was out of touch with modern woman Huck Inspired by youth radical culture Celebrates independence,people who "paddle against the flow" Magazine,website and online video channel Feature exclusive interviews,original reportage and award winning journalism Published by London based media company TCO London Differences Huck is still running today and Woman's Realm is no longer available Huck celebrates independence and individuality,whereas Woman's realm failed because they promoted old-fashioned stereotypes about woman Womans realm was just a magazine,but Huck operates a website and online video channel also.

Adverts comparison

In the Tide advert women are encouraged to be housewives.The colour of the background in the Tide advert creates a cloud-like setting.In addition,the woman's facials expressions further support this.Her eyes looking upwards,makes it appear that she is fantasising over the product.This representation of women,encourages them to be stereo-typical housewives who like staying home and doing the washing up.Relating this to the time period,in the 1950's,men had returned from the war,so women were not needed to do their jobs anymore. On the other hand, in the national service advert in 1940 women were encouraged to join the national service.This is made very clear from the slogan,which reads "JOIN US IN A VICTORY JOB".In the 1950's many jobs were vacant as men had gone to join the army,which is why women were being persuaded to do "normal" jobs. Is government  propaganda Encouraging women to work in the public sphere "us" -collective i...

Gauntlett "Collective Identity" theory

Collective identity: Through media people can gain a sense of belonging to a group.There is satisfaction through this sense of belonging,which is more important than an individuals own identity. To what extent does the cover of this magazine demonstrate Gauntlett's 'collective identity' theory? Applying Gauntlets theory of collective identity to this magazine cover,the audience may realise that there are many other people like them.In Men's Health magazine we can see a picture of a topless male model who is muscular.Next to this is a feature article titled "Scrawny to brawny".Some of the audience will be encouraged by this,as they may be skinny themselves.This also shows them that there are other people that are in the same situation as them,which will make them feel more comfortable with how they look.  Through purchasing this magazine the audience may be rewarded with health tips.For example,one of the cover lines "Melt body-fat with sunshine...


1. In reality television women are portrayed as "bitchy" and jealous.In the magazine industry women are often used as objects and are presented in a sexualised way.TV anchors often dress less professionally than there male colleagues,and tend to wear clothing that is revealing of their bodies.There has been instances were female anchors have been told to change the way they look, innorder to enhance their beauty.However,society have grown to expect women to look a certain way,and if they dress too conservatively they are usually criticised.In most films males are given the role of the protagonist,and the women that do get a leading role are usually not taken as seriously,and are presented mainly as sex symbols. 2. Men are expected to be sporty.Also,men are expected to work,and earn all the money for there families,whilst their wives look after their childen.Men are also taught not to show emotion,and that crying shows weakness. 3. By the time the war was coming to a cl...

This girl can

Choose one of the following stills Discuss how the use of voiceover helps to create meaning   The voiceover says “I’m not cute”. The women’s facial expressions show this. She is biting down on her gum shield, which makes her seem aggressive. This challenges the stereotype that women are soft and “cute”. In what ways could you argue that this shot challenges van Zoonen’s notion of objectification because of the meanings created by the use of sound, mise-en-scene and camerawork In the right image the long shot emphasises that women are no longer seen as just housewives..We can see that man is holding a baby in the air.This connotes that he is looking after his child.This goes against the stereotypical view of   men going to work and women staying at home.This shows that feminism has come along way,as men are starting to do the same roles as women,and therefore are somewhat equal. Slow motion causes the reader to focus on the woman’s bottom. This suggests that wome...

I feel pretty peer assessment

Representation questions

On the cover of Elle magazine Nicki Minaj is being represented.She is represented as a strong women.She is positioned in the centre of the page and her image is brought in front of the the masthead.This represents how that she does not let anything or anyone get in her way.Elle is a lifestyle magazine which indicates that this is really her true personality.This can be supported as we can see a feature article that states "NO WIG,NO COSTUME,THE AMERICAN IDOL DIVA LIKE YOUVE NEVER SEEN HER BEFORE".The main area of focus on the magazine cover is her appearance and beauty.The text on the front cover surrounds her figure.This highlights her body in a sexualised way to the audience.Also,her costume is revealing,which further sexualises her to the reader.However,her true personality is shown as less important,as this feature article text is written in small font in contrast to the "Beauty Guide which is in much bigger font and written in bright yellow. Nicki Minaj is represe...