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Women in sport research

The Three waves of feminism

The first wave of feminism (1830's-early 1900's)

The focus in this wave of feminism was on legal issues,and primarily on the right to vote.In 1919 women were granted the right to vote.

The second wave of feminism (1960's-1980's)

The second wave of feminism focused on a wider range of issues like sexuality,reproductive rights,the workplace and domestic violence.Birth control was approved in 1960 and in 1968 the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission passed the amendment of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prevented discrimination based on sex in the workplace.

The third wave of feminism (1900's-2008)

The third wave was an attempt to expand feminism to include women with a diverse set of identities like queer and non-white woman.Therefore,it was less politically focused and more about individualistic identity.Another goal in this period was to abolish gender role expectations and stereotypes.In 1992 four women joined the U.S senate.The 1990's also saw the first female U.S Attorney general and Secretary of State.

Reactions against contradictions and absences in feminism,especially second-wave and third-wave.

Feminists share the goal to define,establish,and achieve political,economical,personal and social equality of sexes. 

Task 2

Women participated for the first time in the 1900 Paris games.

Glenna Collett was an American hall of fame golfer who won many tournaments in the 1920's.

Ethelda Bleibtrey was an American swimmer who was a three time Olympic gold medalist.

Alice Coachman won an Olympic gold medal in swimming in 1948 in the womens high jump,this made her the first black female athlete to win a gold medal at the Olympics.

Gertrude Ederle becomes the first women to swim the English Channel

Virne Mitchell became the first female professional baseball player

Alice Coachman was the first black female athlete to win a gold medal at the Olympics

Women and men compete together in the Olympic equestrian events for the first time

Wilma Rudolph becomes the first women to win three Olympic gold medals in track-and-field in one Olympics.

Krystyna-Choynowski Liskiewic becomes the first women to sail around the world solo

Jackie Joyner-Kersee is the first female athlete to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine

The United States soccer team becomes the first team to win the Women's World Cup

Ann Bancroft and Liv Arnesen became the first women to cross Antarctica on skis

Sports Illustrated calls Ronda Rousey the worlds most dominant athlete

The first intercollegiate women's basketball game was played in 1896 between Stanford University and the University of California.The WNBA league  began in 1997.

The WTA was founded in 1973.The first Ladies Championship at Wimbledon begun in 1884.


The first Women's World Cup was held in China in 1991.The first official Uefa Women's Championship took place in 1982.

Pay and Television coverage

Fox Sports Network broadcasted 3 regular season NWSL games and 34 Major League Soccer regular-season games during the 2016 season.The Forbes Celebrity list number of male soccer players,but no women.Women on the U.S soccer team earn just 40% of what their male counterparts do.

Still to this day media coverage of the sport is dominated by males.On the NCAA website,men's basketball is three times more likely than women's basketball to be the lead image of basketball,and more than twice as likely to be featured in the top headlines.Basketball players in the WNBA are grossly underpaid in comparison to their male counterparts.2016 NBA MVP Stephen Curry made $11 million,whereas Nneke Ogwumike earned on $95,000 last year.


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