van Zoonen:
Ideology relating to gender is not fixed. It reflects the
time period, society and culture.
These ideas and beliefs are communicated through language.
She argues women are often objectified where representation
emphasises body and appearance.
Bell Hooks:
The aim of Feminism is to end patriarchy; it is political
rather than a way of life. Consequently, it is not about the way you live in
terms of taste and style
Feminism is not meant to be a trendy or fashionable instead
it has a real purpose.
her positioning in the shot infers that Van Zoonens theory is truthful.
Factors like races and class means that discrimination is
not experienced same
In what ways can we use Van Zoonen and hooks’ theory to
understand the representation of Jessica Ennis in Podium Magazine?
In Podium magazine Jesscica Ennis' costume supports Van Zoonen's theory that women are often objectified their body and appearance is overly emphasised. Although Jessica is an elite sportswomen and an Olympic gold medallist it would not appear this way as on the front she is wearing a gold coat and high heals.This makes her seem like a stereotypical women who is not sporty and more interested in dressing up.This objectifies women as it shows that her appearance overshadows her sporting achievements.
Her positioning in the shot supports Van Zoonen's theory. She is positioned in front of the masthead,which illustrates how her appearance is the most important thing on the front cover.The back lighting used on the front cover further supports this theory. This back lighting leaves a shadow of her from behind.This outlines her body to the reader,which supports the fact that women body's are overly emphasised.
You could argue that the colour of costume shows how gender is not fixed.In the past women's achievements were not celebrated.However,In the magazine she is wearing a gold coat,which celebrates the gold medals she has one and the success she has had in athletics.Also,the fact that she is even on the front cover shows that women are now getting more coverage from the media.Her costume also helps to show that women are seen as more dominant figures now.Her high heels make her appear very tall on the print,this symbolises how powerful and important she is.In addition,her body language also portrays the same message.She has her hands on her hips,which shows that she is assertive.She has her arms positioned slightly outwards it makes her take up more space.This gives the perception that she is able to defend herself.
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