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Propps 7 spheres of action (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows : Part Two)

Film:Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows (part two)

Harry Potter overcomes Voldemort (antagonist) after successfully destroying all the Horcuxes. This prevented the evil Voldemort from taking over the wizard world and becoming immortal.

Seeker Hero:
Throughout the franchise, Neville was not taken very seriously and was seen as abit of a joke.However,he actually comes to play a key role in defeating lord Voldermort, killing Nagini (Voldemort's snake),the final Horcrux.

Voldemort tries to kill Harry inn order to become immortal and rule the wizard world.He creates many problems,for example,he attacks Hogwarts with his army and  threatens to kill all  the  students if Harry does not surrender.

The Princess:
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two there is no clear princess.
Ginny could be the Princess as Harry clearly cares about her and is fighting for her safety aswell as his.After he defeats Voldermort she is one of the first people to hug him.
Harry could also be seen as the Princess and the Hero,as he was the prime target of the antagonist.Voldemort wanted to kill him as he feared Harry would have the power to defeat him.If He killed Harry,he believed that  he would be able to live forever.

The Donor/Mentor:
Helena Ravenclaw helps Harry find one of the Horcruxes,that would enable him to defeat Voldemort. She told him that the diadem (Horcrux) was in the Room of Requirement.
Dumbledore is also Harry mentor/donor.After being cursed by Voldemort,Dumbledore's spirit informs him that part a of Voldemort within Harry had been killed as a result of the curse.

The Helper:
Ron and Hermoine are Harry's best friends at Hogwarts and are wizards also.They accompany Harry throughout his journey and assist him in defeating Voldermort. For example, In the film they destroy a Horcrux in the chamber of secrets.

False Hero:
In this film in the sequel there is no false hero,however,Griphook betrays Harry,Ron and Hermoine  when he abandoned them in Bellatrix's vault.

The Dispatcher:
By this point in the sequel,Harry knows what his "quest" is,which is to kill Voldemort. Therefore,there is not a dispatcher in this film in particular.However,at the beginning Dumbledore is the Dispatcher who looks out for Harry throughout his Journey.


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