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McDonalds Adverts

McDonalds Adverts

Advert 1) Estate Advert

The Birds-eye view that the elderly man has suggests that older people should look after younger people.In this shot, the elderly man is having his cup of tea on his balcony whilst looking over the young men below him.This creates the impression that he cares for them as he is watching out for them.This point can be supported further from his facial expressions,as later on in the advert the older man looks over to one of them and smiles.This urges everyone to look out for each other and be nice to one and another.

The extreme close up camera technique exaggerates the slow rhythm of the older persons music.In this part of the advert the older man can be seen playing his vintage  records on a vinyl.Just before this, we hear the younger men on the estate listening to fast rhythm,modern music,through a phone.However,even the elderly man eats in McDonalds.This shows that McDonalds never goes out of style.From this we can see the reading media producers are trying to portray McDonalds as a well established and respected brand to the audience.

An establishing shot is used to represent that the two main characters,the older man and the younger man.In this shot we can see two identical estates positioned next to each other. These two buildings represent the two characters,and the separation emphasises how they are binary opposites,despite living next to each other.This is also clear to see from the characters costumes,the younger man has his trousers down low,whereas the older man has his trousers up high.Therefore,the advert shows that McDonalds is a place for anyone, no matter how old or young.

Advert 2)1967 advert

The soundtrack creates a childish genre.The use of children music suggests that McDonalds is child friendly and a 'happy' place.This can be supported by the body language displayed by the McDonalds staff in the advert,as they wave at the children .This clarifies that the target audience for McDonalds at this time was young children.Obviously this advert was successful,as nowadays all kids seem to love McDonalds. Therefore, you could argue the advert would not be greatly affective or even necessary today.This explains why McDonalds are now targeting other age groups like in 'The estate' advert.

The props show that Everyone loves McDonalds.At one point in the Ad,we can see the family dog with his mouth wet and open.This would suggest that dogs like McDonalds and  even they get hungry looking at it because it is so good.This point can be supported as we see the Mum in the Advert is enjoying her hamburger too.This extends Their target audience beyond just children.The aim of the ad is to persuade the viewers that McDonalds food is tasty.

Breaking the 4th wall presents McDonalds as a friendly business.In the Ad a man tells us why McDonalds is "A total value which is unmatched anywhere".As he is talking to the audience directly,it makes us see the narrator as a friendly character.This reflects on the company as a whole,giving us the impression that McDonalds is a welcoming business.


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