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Showing posts from September, 2017

Magazine Industry Introduction (Task 1-5)

Overview of industry Source 1: The heyday of the magazine came in the early 20th century Time was founded in 1923 The 30's brought about aspirational magazines like Esquire and Fortune. Widely popular,topical publications directed at niche audiences rolled out in the 40's and 50's,including Sports Illustrated and Rolling Stone The 60's and 70's gave us celebrity-and entertainment-focused magazines People and Cosmopolitan. In the following decades,magazines diversified,with the Face debuting in 1980,Entertainment Weekly in 1990,Wired in 1993. The late 1990's and 2000'S brought about digital revolution About 190 new titles launched in 2014.up 185 in 2013.While some legacy magazines like Glamour,Parents and Better Homes and Gardens all reported increases in paid and verified circulation from 2013 to 2014. Source 2: Almost three quarters of adults in GB consume a magazine either in print or digitally Source 3: The UK magazine industry remains ...

Analysis Task 2

Neale stated that ‘genres are instances of repetition and difference’. Discuss what this statement means in relation to the duel scene from The Magnificent 7, directed by Antoine Fuqua? Use specific  evidence from the scene to support your ideas. In the Magnificent 7 duel scene we can see that 'genres are instances of repetition and difference'. The setting of the scene is similar to many other western films.The setting is desert like,with a stable, ranches and a canyon in the addition,we see horses at the start of the scene which is common for cowboys to ride on. The protagonist in the scene shows some similarities and differences to a typical cowboy.In the scene he participates in a duel with another cowboy.Duels are a common feature of a western film.However,how he wins this duel is different to what we would expect.The person he is duelling against,is using an ordinary revolver pistol,whereas he uses a knife.This makes it even more impressiv...

Propps 7 spheres of action (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows : Part Two)

Film:Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows (part two) Protagonist/Hero: Harry Potter overcomes Voldemort (antagonist) after successfully destroying all the Horcuxes. This prevented the evil Voldemort from taking over the wizard world and becoming immortal. Seeker Hero: Throughout the franchise, Neville was not taken very seriously and was seen as abit of a joke.However,he actually comes to play a key role in defeating lord Voldermort, killing Nagini (Voldemort's snake),the final Horcrux. Antagonist: Voldemort tries to kill Harry inn order to become immortal and rule the wizard world.He creates many problems,for example,he attacks Hogwarts with his army and  threatens to kill all  the  students if Harry does not surrender. The Princess: In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two there is no clear princess. Ginny could be the Princess as Harry clearly cares about her and is fighting for her safety aswell as his.After he defeats Voldermort she is one of t...

Mona Lisa worksheet

Using this still, write a more specific description of George  George is middle aged,white male with short hair.He is wearing a beige blazer and carrying a rather large envelope. Georges costume indicates that he is trying to impress someone.He is wearing a smart looking beige blazer with a black T-shirt underneath.This feature sets a romantic tone to the film.The romantic soundtrack also supports this point. What is the significance of George walking across the bridge at the start of the film? What does it suggest about the character?  This longshot makes presents George as vulnerable.The shot makes George look tiny,which indicates his vulnerability.Initially this makes the viewer empathise with him.  The location of the shot shows that George is trying to overcome a problem in his life.The bridge has metaphorical meaning,and implies that George himself is getting over a bridge in his personal life aswell.  Pick out at least two effective media language...


What is genre? Text that can be categorised as belonging to certain themes,text etc. What does it mean that Genres are not static but evolve? Genres can change slightly over time and there can be a mixture of more than one genre e.g Romantic Comedies.

McDonalds Adverts

McDonalds Adverts Advert 1) Estate Advert The Birds-eye view that the elderly man has suggests that older people should look after younger people.In this shot, the elderly man is having his cup of tea on his balcony whilst looking over the young men below him.This creates the impression that he cares for them as he is watching out for them.This point can be supported further from his facial expressions,as later on in the advert the older man looks over to one of them and smiles.This urges everyone to look out for each other and be nice to one and another. The extreme close up camera technique exaggerates the slow rhythm of the older persons music.In this part of the advert the older man can be seen playing his vintage  records on a vinyl.Just before this, we hear the younger men on the estate listening to fast rhythm,modern music,through a phone.However,even the elderly man eats in McDonalds.This shows that McDonalds never goes out of style.From this we can see the reading me...