In this advertisement the idea that women need to be skinny is put forward.The image shows a male figure wearing a suit looking down into a cake.The cake has a hole in it which looks like the outline of a body.Underneath the image is the question "Need to lose a little weight before your wedding?".This suggests that the cake in the image represents the missing bride.This supports Van Zoonen's interpretation that women are seen as objects in society.Cakes are typically large and viewed as unhealthy and "fattening".Relating this to women,the advert inferrs that women do not want to look like a cake on their wedding day. The advertisers have re-inforced this gender norm innorder to promote a "slim fast"energy drink which can is shown in the bottom right. In this advertisement the idea that men need to be brave is portrayed.This is clear from the image,showing a man hanging off a tall structure.One of his hands can be seen barely gripping onto the skyscr...